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It's been a while

What an incredible journey it has been, and it's been a while since I last updated this site. Here’s a snapshot of our current life: Jon and I are still living happily in the US, and our son Gab has recently graduated from 5th grade, gearing up for middle school this August. Time seems to fly by too quickly.

Our love for each other continues to grow stronger as we celebrate seven years of marriage. Married life has been a precious gift from God, and we cherish every moment of it. Life has been nothing short of amazing. We’ve also found a church that feels like home, where Jon is actively involved in the Life group in our small town. While I haven’t yet joined due to my busy schedule with work and nursing school (currently in my second semester), we always make time to be together.

Jon still surprises me with late-night walks and dates, reminding me why he’s the best husband I could ever ask for. Gabgab has developed a deep love for church and Jesus, leading our mealtime prayers. I’m incredibly proud of the young man he is becoming.

Life is busy but fulfilling, and we treasure every moment we share together as a family.

Til next,



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